5 major myths about coconut

The coconut has been elevated as some sort of a superfood today. Its byproducts are already used in countless cuisines and medicinal traditions around the world for centuries, from India to Southeast Asia and even in Europe. In recent years, its many byproducts such as water, meat, and oil have made waves within the fitness community. Many fitness and beauty gurus on social media such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook have promoted the wonders and benefits of consuming coconut. Thus, coconut can be a worthwhile investment for one’s health.
Despite such fame in recent years, it cannot be forgotten that coconut, while it has health benefits, can also be detrimental to one’s health if consumed in large amounts. Coconut, by its nature, has natural sugars, which can be a cause for concern for those with blood sugar issues. Furthermore, the tropical fruit also has lots of fats, which can be a burden if weight loss is the goal. Here are five major myths and misconceptions about this wonder fruit:

1. Is coconut water bad for your health?

By itself, coconut water is actually quite healthy. While the myth has persisted in some circles, the notion that coconut water is unhealthy is just patently false. It is regarded as a great alternative source to energy drinks, as it contains far more nutrients, including potassium, than any leading energy and sports drinks. It also contains enough electrolytes to recharge the body, like how electricity charges one’s battery.
Despite this, there are some drawbacks. For one, coconut water contains natural sugars. As such, it can be detrimental to one’s health if consumed in large amounts. Secondly, it contains less sodium than other sports drinks. Sodium is needed to rehydrate after a long and arduous exercise. As such, supplements may be needed. For ordinary people, though, coconut water should suffice.

2. Is coconut healthy?

Coconut, on its own, is actually quite healthy. However, not all of its parts can be good, if consumed in large amounts. Take its oil, for instance. Coconut oil is saturated fat. Saturated fat is linked to weight gain and cardiovascular diseases if consumed in large amounts. Thus, it is advisable to intake coconut oil in moderation. It can be a good saving for one’s insurance if moderation is practiced.

3. Is coconut oil good for the skin?

Coconut oil has high levels of antioxidants. Thus, it can be good to be used on the skin to reduce fine lines. While those with oily skin may be reluctant to use coconut oil, it is actually even more inadvisable to use oil-reducing products, as the body must compensate for oil loss by producing even more oil. Thus, the skin gets even oilier and one may require getting money loans to buy more products.
Coconut oil can help rebalance the process and makes the skin less oily after prolonged use. However, try not to overuse it, as it can lead to blocked pores. To test, use a small amount of coconut oil to see how your skin responds.

4. Does cooking with coconut make your dish taste like coconut?

While many are quite concerned about adding coconut byproducts to their dishes, adding coconut does not make your dish taste like coconut. Coconut milk is extensively used not only in savory dishes but also in sweet ones as an excellent non-dairy substitute. Coconut water barely tastes like coconut and is actually quite refreshing and healthy if drank on a hot day. Meanwhile, coconut sugar tastes like brown sugar and is a great substitute to cane sugar due to its low glycemic index. Coconut oil may have some coconut taste, but it often depends on how it was produced. Regardless, adding coconut to dishes is a great idea and a worthwhile investment.

5. How healthy is coconut oil?

Coconut oil, compared to other oils, is quite healthy. However, it is still a saturated fat, plant-based at least. Unlike its animal counterpart, coconut oil can easily be broken down by your body instead of storing it as additional fat. Regardless, you should still be on the lookout for how much you eat so that you don’t overdo and end up using up your insurance due to health problems.
